If anyone happens to be in Brussels on Thursday evening (!) please do feel free to come along to the event below.
Ireland, the UK & Europe: the dangers of a Brexit
A Progressive Discussion for a Progressive Vote to Remain In
19:30 Thursday 21st January
FEPS – Rue Montoyer 40, Brussels (buzz to enter)
The consequences of a UK exit from the EU would be felt not only in the UK but also in its European neighbours, Ireland in particular. Since their accession to the European project in 1973, Ireland and the UK have developed a close working relationship. The UK remains Ireland’s largest trading partner while Ireland represents one of its largest export markets. It is in Ireland’s interests, and that of our fellow EU members that the UK remain a partner at the EU table. The upcoming referendum is an opportunity for the British people to hear a positive case for an ‘In’ vote from their neighbours.
Speakers include:
- Colum Eastwood MLA, SDLP
- Ruairi Quinn TD, PES Treasurer and Former Irish Labour Minister
- Jan Royall, PES Vice-President and Former Leader of the House of Lords
- Dr. Ernst Stetter, Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) Secretary General
Moderated by Patrick Kennedy, Chair of Irish Labour Brussels,
During this discussion we will hear from different perspectives and exchange views with you on the ramifications of the UK vote and how progressive political parties and associations could have a positive impact on the campaign.
Please register online in advance.
Light refreshments to follow.